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    The Affnook Advantage: How Gamegram achieved 15-20% revenue growth

    January 15, 2025

    Gamegram, a virtual casino that operates globally, was struggling to find an affiliate management partner who could manage the fraud traffic it was encountering. 

    What’s more? As a growing operator, the client was looking for someone who could grow with it. As it happens, iGaming is a very dynamic sector, and business requirements create feature requirements that must be met at short notice — not in the next quarter or through lengthy pipelines.

    That’s when they decided to shift their entire affiliate management processes onto Affnook. With the transition in affiliate tracking software, Gamegram’s most urgent requirements were met, and some more.

    Gamegram x Affnook: A Winning Partnership

    While Affnook lived upto expectations, some unexpected aspects of the dashboard left an impression on the client.

    • The UI/UX was exceptional, rated superior compared to legacy affiliate marketing softwares.
    • The streamlined nature of affiliate link generation and management.
    • How data analysis was a breeze due to the simple, digestible visualisation available.

    Gamegram x Affnook: The Parameters of Success

    But that’s not all. The switch did not disturb the steady growth of the client’s business at all. In fact, it may have helped the KPIs along. Here’s what the client noticed after 4 months of use:

    1. 20-25% Monthly Growth in Net & Gross Gaming Revenue,
    2. 20-30% Rise in Active Players, and
    3. 12-15% Boost in Player LTV & Engagement.

    How did this happen? Read the entire case study to understand the details of Gamegram’s collaboration with Affnook.

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