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Flexible Commissions, Happy Affiliates.

One size doesn’t need to fit all. Customize commissions with multiple models that suits your affiliate program.

The Problem - Flat Commissions & No Rewards Don’t Motivate Performance.

Flat commissions or lack of performance-based rewards leave high-performing affiliates demotivated, wasting their full potential.

Our Solution - Custom Commission Models With Flexible KPIs To Refine Affiliate Performance

Attract top-performing affiliates to your iGaming affiliate program with our iGaming affiliate tracking tool’s custom commission models and reward-based payouts.

Fixed or Hybrid Commissions

Set fixed commission structure or add a layer of rewards based on affiliate performance.

Define commission rates for consistent performing affiliates with flat model.

Combine the base commission with a high-performance reward.

Define KPIs for commissions so that affiliates know what they’re aiming for.

Add custom KPI on-request for setting custom commissions for your program.

Rev Share of Flat Commissions

Incentivise high performance and motivate affiliates to do better consistently.

Keep a steady stream of high-performing affiliates with a reward system.

Encourage growth mindset among your affiliates through constant incentivisation.

Foster an affiliate program with mutually beneficial setup for your brand and affiliates,

Ensure a sense of security in your affiliates with a guaranteed baseline income

Custom Commission Variables

Define what means most to your business and encourage affiliates to fulfill your long-term vision through custom KPIs.

Align your affiliate commissions with your business goals- branding or user acquisition.

Tailor your affiliate program to attract affiliates who align with your business’ overarching goal.

Foster long time player engagement on your platform by setting an NGR -based commission model.

Consistently refine your affiliate program with your business’ changing goals and requirements.

Control Negative Carryover

Get complete control over negative carryover settings on affiliate level to settle outstanding balances.

Set negative carryover settings for each affiliate based on risk profile.

Reduce your affiliate program’s risk with case-to-case based negative carry-over.

Incentivize high-risk affiliates based on negative-carryover management.

Identify affiliates with mounting negative carryover to offer tailored support.

Want more? Affnook Seamlessly Integrates With Leading Third-Party Platforms.

Payout Models That Match Your iGaming Goals

Tailor your payout models to your affiliates’ and business’ liking.

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Supported Geos

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Custom Commission KPIs

More Features

From affiliate management to invoice automation, Affnook iGaming Affiliate Platform makes affiliate marketing easier in more than one ways.

Set Your Affiliate Program For Exponential Growth